syracom and valyt facilitate ESG data management for financial institutions

29 June 2021

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Wiesbaden and Zurich, June 29, 2021. The professional management of sustainability data in the financial sector will be a competitive advantage in the coming years. ESG ratings provide a certain level of orientation for investors, but raw data and the combination of different sources will become indispensable. The Swiss ESG data consultants from valyt and the German IT consulting firm syracom are offering financial institutions the right solutions today, in a joint approach.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are becoming increasingly important for investors, who use the ratings thereof to evaluate these dimensions in investment decisions. However, the validity varies greatly depending on the provider. “Moreover, ratings do not exploit the full potential offered by raw ESG data,“ says Claudia Lanz-Carl, cofounder of valyt, a consultancy specializing in sustainability analysis and sustainability data that has analyzed ESG ratings and raw data in depth and is familiar with the associated challenges.

How to Manage ESG Data Efficiently and Individually

syracom and valyt provide an open, cost-effective, cloud-based approach for financial insti tutions that unites ESG data from different sources, with different formats, standardizations, and deployments, in a single well-organized database. The user can access relevant and high-quality data quickly and efficiently, and the desired information is presented in a targeted manner. As an automated solution, the database also relieves the user of numerous work steps such as validation, transformation, and normalization. The framework is flexible and new data sources can be integrated at any time, which can provide financial institutions with their own individual model for data analysis.

“Professional management of ESG data will become as important to companies as the management of financial data,” says Hendrik Kurz, Business Unit Manager Banking and member of syracom consulting AG’s executive board. “Our goal is to anchor the management of ESG data holistically and efficiently in the company. To achieve this, we use a tried-and-tested integrated solution approach that draws on experience from many implementation projects.”

About valyt

valyt organizes, prepares, and analyzes financial and ESG data from a wide variety of sources for decision-making processes and stakeholder communication. Process automation is an important component here. The independent consultants support their customers with ESG data strategy development and implementation.

Corporate contact:


Badenerstrasse 21

8004 Zurich


Phone: +41 44 552 14 05


About syracom AG

syracom is an owner-managed consulting company. Our customers appreciate our sound business understanding and IT implementation strength. With efficient business processes and lean cloud solutions, syracom consultants create future-proof solutions made to measure: business efficiency engineering for sustainable success.

syracom sees itself as a partner for whom long-term cooperation is more important than short-term success. The consulting firm was founded in 1998 and is part of the Consileon Group, with a total of 430 employees and total revenue of around 65 million euros.

Corporate contact:

syracom AG

Roswitha Steier

Head of Communication

Otto-von-Guericke-Ring 15

65205 Wiesbaden


Phone: +49 6122 91 76-36
